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Course Placement & Academic Support

Students in Courtyard 2021 4

Course Scheduling

Course scheduling at St. Joes is individualized and dynamic. Your student's curriculum will be challenging and appropriate to his or her learning needs. Our academic placements are tailored to each student's strengths. Students may progress through our curriculum as his or her mastery dictates allowing students to diversify their course levels.

Program of Studies Cover 22-23



Academic Levels

A brief explanation of our academic level rating system follows. Please note, students schedules are dynamic and may include varying levels of courses. 


Academic Support

At St. Joseph High School, learning is a collaboration between parents, students, teachers, counselors, and administrators, each with their own part to play in a student's success. During their four years here, we allow our students to develop the right balance between adult supervision/intervention and a student's ownership for learning. Younger students naturally need more adult supervision and advocacy. But as a student matures, it is expected that he or she will take responsibility for his or her learning. In the end, if a student is to succeed in college, the student must be responsible and accountable for his or her education.



Graduation 2019-2