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If you were asked to design a marketing plan for a new product, where you would begin? Have you ever wondered what it would take to start your own business? What skills would you need to be a leader? Are you interested in traveling the world engaged in global business? 


The Business and Entrepreneurship curriculum focuses on developing real-world business acumen, entrepreneurial readiness, and innovative skills. Students learn about marketing, finance, management and entrepreneurship through introductory business courses, attendance at multiple business and entrepreneurial events, and participation in the St. Joseph High School DECA chapter. Students also have the opportunity to complete traditional introductory and advanced coursework in economics.

Budget Challenge 2022


The Business Courses at St. Joes were my favorite because I knew what I was learning would prepare me for my college courses. Also, the knowledge I gained in accounting, business, statistics and finance allowed me to have deeper conversations with professors when I was visiting colleges. These conversations helped me find my best college fit.
Anthony '22

Sample Coursework

Meet Our Business Teachers

Business Courses

Business Clubs


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