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Congratulations to our Amaranth Winners!

Congratulations to our Amaranth Winners!

Amaranth is the literary and artistic journal of St. Joseph High School, comprised of works submitted by students, faculty, and staff. This year, we received to so many incredible pieces and we proud to highlight 4 student works were selected anonymously by the student-staff for awards!

The theme for this year's issue is Mirage (A World So Dreamlike It Can't Be Reality, Or Can It?) 


2024-25 Student Awards:


Best Literature: "Visionary Illusion", an interactive short story by Will Merwin '25

Note: Will Merwin's story is interactive and can lead down many paths. This is just an excerpt from his story:

The fog grew greater as a lone traveler walked across the path, searching for a destination. With energy in their step, the traveler sought to make out a sight beyond the endless mist. Instead, they made out a voice… “LET YOURSELF BE GUIDED TO THE NOBEL PEN SHELL’S ETERNAL NET. COLLECT THE SPOILS ALONG THE WAY, AND THEN COMBINE THEM TOGETHER ON THE DOOR’S FRONT STEP. THE ONE IN ROBES MARKS THE CORRECT PATH.”


Best Art (Tie for 1st): “The End" by Jillian Guilfoyle '24 (acrylic painting)

The End by Jillian Guilfoyle


Most Original Art: “Split Reality" by Niki Tsilfides '24 (mixed medium painting)

Split Reality by NikiĀ Tsilfides


Most Original Theme Interpretation: "Rainbow Mirage" by Adriana Jauk '27 (photograph)


A mirage is when you see something that is not there. The rainbow that appears in my photo is not there in real life. When the camera flashes, the sun against the snow reacts and causes us to see a rainbow. I wanted to use this photo because it represents my love for animals with the leopard in the background.