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WCSU Student Art Showcases Feature 9 SJ Cadets!

WCSU Student Art Showcases Feature 9 SJ Cadets!

In February 2024, students in Mrs. Pellegrino's AP Art & Design Class submitted artwork to the Western Connecticut State University 2024 Student Art Showcase. Submissions came from 18 high schools of them, only 77 works were selected. Of those 77, 11 pieces were from our very own SJ Cadets!

Congratulations to the following Cadets whose work will be exhibited at The Gallery at the Visual and Performing Arts Center until June 7th!

Jill Guilfoyle

Jill Guilfoyle

Amanda Gujski

Amanda Gujski

Fayrose Hussain

Fayrose Hussain

Julia Lacasse

Julia Lacasse

Lisa Liu

Lisa Liu

Tatiana Rivera

Tatiana Rivera

Bianca Sanchez

Bianca Sanchez

Niki Tsilfides

Niki Tsilfides

Ashley Velsmid (3 Pieces)

Ashley Velsmid


Ashley Velsmid


Ashley Velsmid