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Msgr. Richard J. Shea

Msgr Shea

An Inspiration to Those Who Shape Young Lives
"Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest." ~ Msgr. Shea

Msgr. Shea


Reverend Msgr. Richard J. Shea was born in Brooklyn, New York on April 25, 1936. After attending Resurrection-Ascension Grammar school in Middle Village, NY, he went on to spend his high school years at Bishop Loughlin in Brooklyn. Seemingly fond of the area, he remained in Brooklyn while attending St. John’s University. He went on to Our Lady of Angels Seminary at Niagara University in Niagara, NY, where he received a BA in Philosophy and Classical Languages. It was at Fairfield University that Msgr. Shea received a MA in Guidance and Counseling as well as a CAS in Counseling and School Psychology.

As a teacher, Principal, and Pastor, Msgr. Shea has dedicated his life to Catholic Education and Faith. After a brief time at Notre Dame Boys High School in Fairfield and Notre Dame Girls High School in Bridgeport, Msgr. Shea joined the St. Joseph High School community in 1966 as the Director of Guidance and Counseling. He remained in this position until 1976 when he was asked to become Principal. This was a critical time in the history of St. Joseph High School. Facing closing the school’s doors due to severe financial strain, Msgr. Shea’s focus became uniting the school community.

It was evident that St. Joe’s was in need of growth. Within his first few years of leadership, a new wing was added to the school. In the years that followed, Msgr. Shea shaped the back fifteen acres of wetlands into the much needed playing fields. It is a telling tribute to him, that even today, the current students of St. Joseph High School are benefiting from Msgr. Shea’s vision for the school all of those years ago.

In 1991 Msgr. Shea announced his decision to end his fifteen year principalship. “My job here is completed,” he said at the time. He decided to move onto Parish work and soon after became the Pastor of St. Catherine of Siena Parish in Trumbull, CT where he served as Pastor for many years. Sadly, Msgr. passed away on January 22, 2025. 


Please see below for Funeral Arrangements for Rev. Msgr. Richard J. Shea (1936–2025), Fourth Pastor of the Parish of Saint Catherine of Siena. All of Msgr. Shea’s funeral events are open to the public. The Masses will also be livestreamed. All are invited and encouraged to attend.

Monday, January 27, 2025
  • 3:00 p.m.: Reception of the Body and Procession into the Church
  • 3:00–7:00 p.m.: The Body of Msgr. Shea lies in repose for a time of visitation and prayer
  • 7:00 p.m.: Vigil Mass in the Presence of the Body
    • Celebrant: Most Reverend James Massa, Auxiliary Bishop of Brooklyn
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
  • 9:00–11:00 a.m.: The Body of Msgr. Shea lies in repose for a time of visitation and prayer
  • 11:00 a.m.: Funeral Mass
    • Celebrant: Most Reverend Frank J. Caggiano, Bishop of Bridgeport
  • Following the Funeral Mass: Interment at Gate of Heaven Cemetery, Trumbull


“I was fortunate to experience first-hand Msgr Shea’s genius and leadership. Between him and Mr Dalling (another wonderful person) they created the entire ‘sports backyard’ of fields at SJ. I witnessed thousands of kids benefit from this over the years. Without those 2 men there would be nothing but swamp back there. Monsignor Shea was a true leader and visionary and is certainly on the SJ Mount Rushmore.”

Jimmy Olayos '76

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"I am so sorry to learn about the passing of Msgr. Shea. His dedication to the priesthood and to SJHS created lasting legacies. Msgr. Shea was a major influence in my life, both during and after my years at St. Joe’s. He was very supportive to me during difficult times as a student, and once I graduated, he continued to encourage me to pursue the teaching career that I wanted so desperately, as other people tried to influence me into other careers. I have never forgotten his words of wisdom about doing what I wanted to do with my life. He was responsible for my 40-year diverse teaching career, during which I taught Religious Education, Catholic and Public School Elementary students, High School students, and English Language Learners. I will always be grateful to Fr. Shea for my career and the happiness it brought. May God bless the soul of Msgr. Shea and welcome him into Heaven, thanking him for a job well done from this good and faithful servant. Rest in Peace, Msgr. Shea." – Dorothy Kozak Bowler, ‘74

"Msgr. Shea was a good family friend and a good man." – John Murphy, ‘96


"Msgr. Shea was a bigger-than-life presence at St. Joe’s. He was gentle and kind-hearted. Just think of how many lives he touched, and so many of them were young! May he rest in peace." – Darlene Ference, ‘68

"Father Shea was a thoughtful and even-tempered man whose wise guidance touched the lives of many young people and improved the school he was honored to serve. RIP with the Lord." – Kevin Glynn, ‘81

"He was there during my days at St. Joseph’s and also when he was at St. Catherine’s in Trumbull." – Karen Ayles, ‘72

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"Msgr. Shea guided me in the right direction and had a significant hand in directing me to attend St. Joe’s. I met him as an altar server at St. Catherine’s, where he became a mentor, gave me the opportunity to work for him at the church, guided me to attend St. Joe’s, and years later officiated my wedding. He was kind, patient, and always knew the right questions to ask to encourage me to arrive at the right conclusions. Rest in Peace, Monsignor. You’re already missed." – Matt Cummings, ‘00

"Father Shea was the foundation that St. Joe’s needed in the early years. He was a great man and will be missed." – Mike Healey, ‘67

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"I never knew Msgr. Shea before 4/12/2008. I was on a Parent Committee running a Silent Auction/Dinner Dance fundraiser for St. Joe’s at St. Catherine’s. When I got there, Vazzy’s was already there to cater the event, but the door was locked. The rectory cook told me to go into the church, where Msgr. was hearing confessions, and he would have the key. A very nice usher told me to cut the Reconciliation line and go in. As I was walking in (I hadn’t even knelt down yet), Msgr. started giving me a blessing, so I figured I’d make a good confession before getting the keys. I knelt down, went through the confession, absolution, and penance. He then asked if I was from Long Island (yes!) and I told him our three kids had gone to St. Joe’s, son Ryan went to Hofstra, sports, Brooklyn, etc. When there was a lull in the conversation, I asked if I could have the keys to the hall. Well, he laughed and said, ‘Is that why you came in here?’ I sheepishly said, ‘Yes!’ I’ll never forget his kindness that day." – Jody Mitchell

"Memories. Holidays at the rectory with the Marist Brothers, receiving my First Communion at a home ceremony, my father’s confident and good friend, always part of family celebrations, a boss as a part of the SJ work crew—no joke—a lifetime of memories from as young as I can remember to when I saw him for the last time last year. Fifty-five years of memories. Rest in Peace Monsignor, ‘always a Father’ Shea." – Patrick Helfrich, ‘86

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"Memories. Holidays at the rectory with the Marist Brothers, receiving my First Communion at a home ceremony, my father’s confident and good friend, always part of family celebrations, a boss as a part of the SJ work crew—no joke—a lifetime of memories from as young as I can remember to when I saw him for the last time last year. Fifty-five years of memories. Rest in Peace Monsignor, ‘always a Father’ Shea." – Patrick Helfrich, ‘86

"I am sad to hear of the passing of Monsignor Shea. Having had all my siblings attend St. Joe’s, Monsignor Shea was an integral part of our lives. He married me, most of my siblings, and baptized and married many of my siblings’ children. Other than my dad, I cannot think of anyone that I respected more than Monsignor Shea. He possessed qualities that complemented his life’s work. He was intelligent, worldly, thoughtful, engaging, and kind. My fondest memory of Monsignor is simple and vivid: Monsignor walking towards me in a St. Joe’s hallway, hands in pocket, walking on the balls of his feet with a warm smile on his face and stopping to talk. Truly a selfless and wonderful human being. Rest in Peace, Monsignor." – Tim Shea, ‘77


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1977 Yearbook Dedication to Msgr. Shea

1977 Yearbook Dedication - Shea
